Saturday, December 15, 2007

Jeff's Log Tuesday, December 4th contiued

7 48.890N 98 17.603E , Kata Bay, Kata Beach, Thailand

We had kind of a rough day today. At the start of our race, things went sour and just kind of stayed that way. Dave is a good sailor, but sure doesn’t know how to time a start. We were in the perfect starting position, we just got there 15 seconds too early and had to bail out and come around a second time so we would not be over early. That put us in last place, and it’s pretty rough to dig out from there when the competition is as good as the boats we are sailing against. The boat was faster today than we were yesterday. Towards the end of what would have been the first race, we punched a big hole in the jib on a tack, and retired from racing for the day so that the sail could be repaired. Oh well, tomorrow we’ll give ‘er hell again.

The after race parties are really fine affairs with lots of food, wine and beer. There’s a stage show every night with a band and singers. Tonight, I’m skipping the party to rest, as I had a hard day working the jib winch and loading the sail in the dink. After the rest of the crew left, I was left with a trashed boat inside and out, so I had to do a lot of scrubbing. Going to the party is a lot of work too, because I have to beach the dink, and pull it all the way up to the dry sand line. Then after the party, I have to drag it through the sand again and launch it, making sure that I push it to deep enough water to run the engine safely. I just don’t feel like working that hard tonight, or getting wet and full of sand. Tomorrow is the big party. It’s His Majesty the King’s birthday, and a special party is planned for that. I don’t want to miss that one. I guess I’ll have to carry my clothes in and change on the beach, because it’s long pants and collared shirt night.

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