Thursday, January 17, 2008

Jeff's Log ~ Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I did my visa run to Burma on Sunday, and this time we had a modern Mercedes turbo diesel powered bus, and a driver that wanted to get there and back quickly. We stopped at the same Lion’s club for breakfast, and it was very good again. The driver was going fast around curves and up and down the hills. We got to Ranong at about 11AM, cleared out and were on the boat by 1145. The warehouse that had the lofts has been cleared, and the whole area smells better. It looks like the warehouse is going to be used commercially instead of residentially from now on. The trip to Burma on the boat was uneventful, and the crowds at the dock were not as large or aggressive as they were last time.

This time, I couldn’t resist trying the 80baht fifth of rum. That’s about $2.30 US. I got two, because that is all you are allowed. When I got home I tried it, and it’s not bad at all! Now I’ll have a mission for my final visa run in February.

On Sunday morning, the day of my visa run, I got up at 0445, made coffee, etc and was feeling good about getting to the pick up spot on time, and had my pillow and reading material in my backpack, all ready to go. I put the dingy in the water and locked the boat. For the first time ever, the dink really gave me a problem starting. Usually, when it’s cold start in the morning, it starts on the third pull. Well, I was ready to give up and row, but decided one more pull. It roared to life just like normal. Haven’t had problem since either. I guess it’s just not used to waking up at 0530!!

After the visa run, I was back on the boat around 2000, very early compared to the 2230 last time. With the trip being quicker, and on a Sunday, I found out that a lot of the buildings that I thought were either commercial or farm outbuildings are actually peoples homes. Most of the garage doors were open, and I could see inside, and they are open air living rooms. Most looked very clean and shiny inside with very little furniture. Most people were hanging out outdoors and sitting on plastic patio furniture or seating made from various trees, cement blocks or whatever. Very few had TV’s visible. Also, while on the housing subject, I have learned through visiting various business homes, that a lot of the homes do not have running water. They usually have toilets, but keep a barrel of water close by with a bowl left floating in it. When you finish, you flush by dumping bowls full of water into the toilet until it is clear. At this kind of house, a shower is taken out side with another barrel of water and a bowl with which to rinse yourself. The women shower wearing sarong, so the neighbors don’t see them naked. Must be tough to shave their legs!

In the homes that have running water, in most cases, the water is not potable. In order to drink tap water, there must be a treatment facility installed in the house that has multiple filters, and a ultra-violet sterilizer. Maintenance on that is costly, so only the wealthier people have that, and the ones I have seen, only have the kitchen water treated. The homes without toilets still use old fashioned outhouses. One or two holes, no waiting. Some of the old businesses still have outhouses for their patrons.

It kind of sounds like I have traveled back in time doesn’t it? I have knuckled down and am working hard on the boat. I disassembled, cleaned and lubricated the cockpit primary winches. They are three speed racing winches, and this was the first time I have ever had any of these apart. Lots of tiny springs for the ratchet pawls!!! The book on board was only for two speed cruising winches. The first one took a long time; the second was a lot easier and quicker.

Today, I decided to try my hand at varnishing the companion-way teak. Watching someone varnishing sure is a lot easier. I did learn that it cannot be rushed, and the second time that I sanded it down and varnished it going a lot slower, I proved to myself that I can do it. PATIENCE, PATIENCE. I’m sure I’ll still learn a lot more in the next few coats. The first one was an absolute disaster.

Clara finally got her Christmas present today. For those of you that don’t know, I got her a choker of black pearls and matching earrings. The earrings are “Thai style” with a ring of diamond looking crystals as a base. She was very happy when she received them. I was glad that they finally arrived intact.

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