Thursday, January 17, 2008

Jeff's Log ~ Thursday, January 17, 2008

Day two of Jeff’s varnish education is complete. Today I began learning about thinning the varnish so that the brush strokes flow out. I am beginning to be happy with the results. There is a marked improvement over what was there before, and I only have two thin coats of varnish on. My auto-body shop instructor in high school, a great man by the name of Karl Schmidt, always said “painting is the gravy of bodywork” and I have never forgotten those words. I really took some time sanding and carefully masking where others hadn’t, and thinned the varnish to a maple syrup consistency, and the results are not too bad, if I do say so myself. Another few coats and it will look like new.

I was a little worried because right after I finished cleaning my badger hair brush, it clouded up outside and began thundering. Thank God that the rain held off for about an hour and a half, so the varnish had set up by then. It was dark when it stopped raining, but I looked it over with a flashlight, and it looks ok.
Tomorrow morning, I’ll put another coat on it, and then the dingy and I are going to Chalong in a truck because the dink is filling with water from holes in the tube attaching flange. I’m going to have the dingy guys glue patches on, because they can get it dry, and properly glue it together. I have tried gluing patches on here, but they just don’t hold well enough because I can never really get it dry and salt free.

It will be nice to get off the boat too. I have not been ashore since Sunday, and the boat is beginning to feel quite small. I feel like there might be a fresh cinnamon roll and a hot cup of coffee in my future tomorrow morning! There is a real nice bakery and coffee shop across the street from the dingy shop.


Paul said...

Test...Paul set this up and hopefully he's remember the pass word. So I'll make sure I can send this first. Pat

Paul said...

Okey dokey, it worked. So now I'll go on. Had a great time visiting Clara amd your friends at the FirePlug the day before our cruise. Ate some great food at the Fire Plug and of course some libation to wash it down and had a great Cuban meal in the evening. Clara really showed us a great time chauffeuring us around Ft. Lauderdale. We were so glad we flew in early as our friends flight was cancelled, they needed to fly another airline, and in fact was the last flight out of Milwaukee because of snow. We absolutely loved the cruise and are already talking about where we'll go on our next one. It was the most relaxing vacation I've ever had. So much to do on the ship and the best nights sleep I've ever had between the fresh air and gentle motion of the ship. I worried about motion sickness but had no problem. In fact I had forgot the pills at home so it was a good thing. Although, the ship offered dramamin for 2 pills/$5. Fun to watch football and movies under the stars on this huge movie screen. Speaking of football the Packers are still in the playoffs playing NY on Sunday for the NFC championship. Temp. in GreenBay at game time is predicted to be 2 degrees with a windchill of -15. Not as bad as the -30 below we're expected to get tomorrow. Remember those refreshing Wisconsin winters. I'l wish I was on that Princess ship tomorrow. Don't see alot of Nick and Brad. Both working two jobs and Brad has added a third with the National Guard. Christmas I spent with the firefighters. Made Christmas dinner for the guys. It was a big hit, Paul is still hearing about it. Very rewarding day for me. It was something I've always wanted to do and since Paul was working and probably his last Christmas with the fire dept. it seemed like a good time to do it. I took of some well deserved extra days during the month around the holidays. It was hard to get back in the swing of actually going to work. No paid time off again until Memorial Day. We haven't decided what we'll do yet. I don't know if I told you but I got this great idea to go back to school. So I'm currently in a business degree program, who knows maybe I'll get my master's at 65..... I'm having a great time, it's adult education at a very accelerated pace. So I'm able to apply a lot to my job now. Let's see...the dogs are doing fine. Abbie is still a spit fire. Hannah is starting to show her age...somedays. She doesn't let the younger dog get the best of her and sometimes is the instigater. Now that I've figured this thing out I'll respond more often. Keep on writing and adding pictures, I love hearing about your adventures. Miss you and love you. Take care, you're in our prayers always. Love, Pat

Paul said...

p.s. Please excuse typos/spelling. Pat