Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Captain Scott ~ September 11th, 2007

Sailing around the world requires continual repair. We exchange crew often and every new arrival carries necessary spares that can not be obtained locally. For example Pat and Gill flew into Egypt. They brought new membranes for the water maker. A new AC water pump. A toggle for the main sail headboard (custom machined and welded and hand delivered to Pat at the airport). New hinges for the head door, new sea strainer for main engine,(The old one cracked and was leaking into the bilge). Gaskets for leaking fuel tank, Regulator to replace broken one on propane tanks, New grease gun,Mainsail track cars. Also we carry items that are non essential such as coffee and peanut butter. When Gill found out how much the AC pump weighed, she complained about being my mule. There is no free lunch.And while we are floating down the Nile, Jeff is rebuilding the refrig-freezer with rolls of copper tubing, 134a gas, and soldering tools all of which he carried over. He will also put on 120 gal of diesel all by jerry can from a gas station in the city. The good news is diesel is 1.32 per gal. He will also replace the bearings in the jib roller furler, rewire bilge pumps, have main sail coverzipper replaced, bleed air out of autopilot hydraulic lines. All this heavyduty work while yours truly asks the steward for another drink. Yesterday we sailed all day which was glorious as the heat has abated. Most Nile cruises are 3 or 4 days but we will be on her for 8.

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