Friday, May 30, 2008

Captain Scott's Log ~ Sunday, May 25, 2008 7:48 PM

Subject: RE: P Dream Japan Kyushu
Left amami oshima in nice weather which lasted at least 4 hours. Then wind to 26, rain and seas that became very rough. Rough because strong currents conflicted with switching wind direction. Still the wind was mostly behind and we flew under sail. We had planned to stop at Yaku Sima but flew bye it in the pre dawn. So on to the mainlan--Kyushu and the small town of Noma on its southern tip. The barometer was falling, rain intensified and as we neared the coast we had fog. To enter Noma we had to round a spectacular peninsula. In the fog we got to a 1/4 mile of it before we saw it. The fog rose as it came into view. Sheer cliffs eaten by the sea into works of art reminding me of the "organ grinder" that guards the entrance to Hobart in Tasmania. The rising fog now spilled over the top like a cloud waterfall. Once inside the massive seawall we were delighted to find a floating dock with 2 sailboats. This was a resort and a man with a necktie came out in the pouring rain to help us tie up. We had dinner there and several parties we going on. Now Osaka seems possible

Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 8:18 PM
Subject: Nagasaki

The rain in Noma quit in the morning as we left and the weather has been improving steadily. An easy power boat ride of 90nm to the sunset marina outside Nagasaki. On arrival we were told we could not stay due to repairs scheduled and were sent to the Dijima Marina in the heart of the town. A godsend as Dijimi boarders a large park and many sidewalk cafes overlook our boat. Also it’s free. We have an extra day to explore the town but must leave at 5am on the 27th and keep pressing in order to make Osaka 400nm away. Skymate not working to send out mail but we can receive. So send news!

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